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Guangzhou Yuanchang Plastic Pump Co. Ltd

Tel: 0757-86636670

Contact: Miss Yang

Mobile: 13068609852

Email: 50079819@qq.com

Contact: Miss Jiang

Mobile: 18138725281

Email: 2657044236@qq.com

Address: Baiyun District, Guangzhou

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Contact Us


The strength of the business when you enter the "contact us" page, you have become our most valued customers, welcome to Guangzhou Yuanchang plastic products Co. Ltd website. You can contact us in the following ways.If you have any questions, please contact 0757-86636670  We will provide you with the most professional, most comprehensive, most suitable for your solution.

Contact us

Contact: Miss Yang

Mobile: 13068609852

Email: 50079819@qq.com
Contact: Miss Jiang Mobile: 18138725281 Email: 2657044236@qq.com
Address: Baiyun District, Guangzhou
Company map:

Guangzhou Yuanchang Plastic Pump Co. Ltd
Copyright©Guangzhou Yuanchang Plastic Pump Co. Ltd     Technical support: Tianzhu
Contact: Miss Yang Mobile: 13068609852
Telephone:0757-86636670   E-mail:50079819@qq.com  Ciciliu321@yahoo.com
MIIT record number:粤ICP备13067777号  Address: Baiyun District, Guangzhou
Miss Yang

Miss Jiang